1.Mua mask - A Public Art.

Mask Dance widely circulated Joseon (1392-1910) , which indicates it has reached the pinnacle of this kind of popular Korean drama . As the name of this art in Korean , means Talchum masked ( tal ) to dance ( chum ) . That 's the way people play hide myself in the mask to unleash relieve frustrations , resentment daily . Sometimes , in the costume of aristocracy , shamans ( mutang ) , wives , concubines or servants , ordinary citizens can find real joy of life . Therefore, Korean mask dance not need as amateur actors in the drama of the Chinese type , Japan . Moreover, the point here is different , which is the stage and the audience are not separated as in opera kind of other countries . This is a game where actors and audience together a fun place .

Mask Dance far as development is a game say sentiments of the majority of the population . For example , the character Maltugi - lowly servant , sometimes vehemently condemned lies , hypocrisy of the aristocracy with bold gestures , humor , sometimes with sharp words action satire freedom to break the world monks , teasing women and other social issues .

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Mask Dance is restored due to the continuation of the democratic movement of international Korean students 80 years . Today, it was popularized as a folk game attracts many people to see and enjoy. The program is for people who love traditional mask dance mask and well built . Fans can directly participate in making masks , or attendance of mask dance . The goal of the program is to bring people's feelings , their experiences of traditional Korean culture .

Dance mask almost uninterrupted long , but today it has become a public art happening everyday , common and can see firsthand at Madang Seoul in Seoul .

2 . The typical cabaret mask

Korean Mask Dance of distribution spread across all regions of the country . Mask Dance appeared in religious rituals Hahoe Village Shaman , An Dong city ; mask dance festival in Gangneung Gangneung , Yang Ju Byeolsandae Nori , Nori Sandae Song Pa in Seoul , Gyeonggi , or mask dance in Bongsan , Gangnyeong , Eunyul the west coast of the Yellow Sea ; Ya Yu , O Kwang Dae in the east and west of the Nakdong river .

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Nori Byeolsandae in Gangneung and Hahoe have very close relations with the ritual worship of the tutelary deities of the village , the villagers celebrated on the fifteenth day of January in the village tutelary shrine and was conducted as a comfort sacred ceremony , integral with shamanism rituals and ceremonies are considered to be prayed for peace in the village .

Mask Dance and Okwangdae Yayu supposedly took the burden of the play - daepae working Daegwang performed along the Nakdong River tradition, so , it is merely entertainment properties not bring divine rites . However, based on the type of mask dances and organizing major festivals of the village with which it is regarded as containing sexual acts inherent homeland rather than commercial activities .

Yangju Byoelsandae Sandae Nori Nori and Songpa in Seoul area , Gyeonggi -derived Bonsandae Nori - masked dance game ever played burden itinerant professional performers . Yangju Byoelsandae Nori Nori rooted Bonsandae Songpa also adapted Gupabal Bonsandae Sandae Nori Nori .

Mask Dance in waters west of Hwang Hae province ( now in North Korea ) in terms of content Sandae Nori is not much different from the characteristics of the character and content of the play is also similar .

3 . Characteristic of Korean mask

Masks of Ha Hoe village carved from poplar wood completely dry red shade . Characteristic of this type of mask is integral part of the face chin . But , it is not carved face and chin after that individual job processing is completed the entire face , the chin is removed and attached to the face with a rope so that it can freely moving .

Facial mask Ha Hoe change with the movement and from the perspective . For example , sales volume masks ( noble ) carved with dew eyebrows and cheekbones knob to change facial expressions can freely move up and down according to the . Or mask the character's servant Choraengi there mouth is drawn opposition between the right to the left , smiling or angry facial expressions change with the move to the right or to the left .

Yayu Okwangdae mask and the mask is slightly different in Sandae Nori mask . Characteristic of this type of mask is the big lines , simple , raw , irony expressed strong .

Features and strong satirical nature of Tongyeong Ogwangdae mask shown in the mask type mask as leper , white face mask pink , black face mask , mask guests , Maltuggi servant mask , all derived from the devil in people's imagination .

Masks in the west coast is made ​​mostly of paper materials . The main thing that gives viewers a deep sense of color to the look .

Previously, Hahoe masks all 12 categories , but have lost three categories under Japanese colonial rule and leaving only 9 categories , including bridal mask , nobles , servants Choraengi , the singing , the grapes , the maid , butcher , her old monk .

Tongyeong is Ogwangdae mask masks appear in the mask dance Chungmu area ( Tong Yeong ) . It is considered the mask dance Okwangdae game development in the area west of Nak Dong river . Mask Dance Okwangdae entertaining Tong Yeong high , including 5 performances ( scene ) : the leper , sarcastic , cruel aristocrat , bride hunter .

The mask is a mask Bongsan aristocracy composed of characters as gentlemen , husbands , boy stellar growth in wealthy families in the mouth with brackets , curved outward .

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Masks Suyeong Yayu Malddugi meaning the cunning satire of the aristocracy with the main character 's name Maldugi servant .

Cheoyong mask masks are derived from mythology Cheoyong , whose role banish the demon causes smallpox . Hat hanging on a peony , peach fruit and twigs . Peony symbolizes honor and wealth , peach trees meant no sickness or disease .

Masks general Yeongcheon stored in the temple in the village tutelary Sinnyeong , Yeongcheon district , Gyeongsangbuk province . Every month , on the 1st and 15th of the lunar calendar , this mask was the wizards used as gifts during the holiday ritual .

Foot mask is a mask dance game where players diagonally behind the curtain , driver wearing masks at the foot . This mask appearance in games played burden mask dance of men working in Anseong .

12 animal masks are masks made ​​12 animal adaptation in the Stem and Branch systems , players wear masks of animals corresponding to their age .

Mask Dance - Talchum in Korea