Savan Vegas Hotel and Casino in Laos to open soon

(KPL) The construction of Savanh Vegas Hotel and Casino Project in Savannakhet province is expected to be completed and operate in early September.

The statement was disclosed at a meeting between the Investment Promotion Department and the Chinese Sanum Investments Ltd, owner of the investment project, in Savannakhet province on 9 May. Savannakhet Governor Mr Vilayvanh Phomke was also on hand.

Commencing in late 2007, the construction made in the village of Nongdeun, Kaysone Phomvihane district, is now 70 per cent completed.

The developer of the project is also conducting a survey and preparation for a similar project in Paksong district, the southernmost province of Champassak.

The President of Sanum Investments Limited Benson Ko said early this month the investment projects in Savannakhet and Paksong, Champassak, were considered significant contribution to the national economic development. Both projects cost US$50 million with the government of Laos holding 20% of the shares.

Upon completion, Paksong-Vegas Project is expected to attract more foreign tourists, as it is considered the biggest five-star spa and resort in Asia.
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