Sydney Morning Herald ranks Laos as the cheapest destination 2009

The Sydney Morning Herald describes Laos as the cheapest travel destination in Asia. It’s described as “living-like-a-king-on-the-cost-of-a-packet-of-chips-a-day" !

If you've already been to South-East Asia, you won't need me to tell you how great it is (although bear with me, I have to bang on about it for a second to everyone else).

The place has got pretty much anything you could want in a travel destination, save for maybe some snow.

For starters, it's extremely affordable, particularly now with the number of budget carriers flying there. And when you're there, things range from the cheap (Malaysia, Singapore), to the really cheap (Thailand), to the extremely cheap (Vietnam), to the ridiculously cheap (Cambodia) to the I'm-living-like-a-king-on-the-cost-of-a-packet-of-chips-a-day cheap (Laos).

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