Preah Vihear - Cambodia Travel Tips

Preah Vihear covers 13788 square kilometers, It consists of 7 districts, 49 communes and 208 villages.

# Tbeng Meanchey District Total Communes: 6 Totals Villages: 32
# Chey Sen District Total Communes: 6 Totals Villages: 21
# Chheb District Total Communes: 8 Totals Villages: 26
# Chaum Ksan District Total Communes: 6 Totals Villages: 26
# Roveang District Total Communes: 12 Totals Villages: 57
# Sangkum Thmie District Total Communes: 5 Totals Villages: 24
# Kulen District Total Communes: 6 Totals Villages: 22

# How to get there! Distance from Phnom Penh: 294 Km
# Using National Road No: 6,64
# Favourite Transportation: Car

The Preah Vihear temple is located slightly east of the midsection of the mountain range of Dangrek. It is also perched on the edge of a giant cliff, 625 meters above sea level, in the northern part of Preah Vihear Province, Kingdom of Cambodia. Lying out on an 800-meter north-south axis, the Preah Vihear complex has a single imposing approach, leading up through a series of five towered entrance pavilions connected by causeways and 120-meter-long steps. Stunningly sitting at the top of the Preah Vihear temple, the main sanctuary is surrounded by libraries and other structures.

Its history is mentioned as follows:
In the 9th century, Khmer King Yasovarman I (889-900) originally began work on the construction of a small sanctuary then named Sekharesvara” Lord of Summit” and dedicated to Siva.

Spiritual development, increased political power and economic growth were factors that inspired the Khmer king to the architectural imagination. It took more than 300 years to construct the whole temple during the reigns of Subsequent kings-Suryavarman I (1002-1050), Jayavarman VI (1080-1107), and Suryavarman II (1113-1150) in the various structures that merged into a homogeneous Hindu universe called a magical home of gods.

As a result of its finest carvings in situ found there, the Preah Vihear Temple was officially declared a world Heritage Site on July 7, 2008 by the 21-Nation World Heritage Committee of the UNESCO in Quebec City, Canada. This historic Victory is achieved from the energetic efforts of the Royal Government of Cambodia under the brilliant ant wise leadership of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Decho Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the kingdom of Cambodia.
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