Thailand Massage, can not to try...

Thai massage focuses acupressure points , blood circulation and awaken hidden power in your body

Massage is a method to ease tensions , blood vessels circulation helps the body relieve any stress physically and mentally . Massage is used in medicine as a method of recuperation . It has many effects such as full body relaxation , stress solutions , support treatment of blood vessels , ligaments, tendons recover from injury , combined with acupuncture to treat a number of disorders in the body ...

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Besides the games , the massage unhealthy mainstream Thai-style massage is a wonderful way that most tourists are looking forward to enjoying once . In Thailand , massage has a long tradition and skills are raised to know .

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Traditional Thai Massage Profession , called NUAD ( nu - ace ) in Thai , reflecting the long history of treatments for health . If someone wants to look back in time to the origins of massage therapy techniques are established in Thailand , he will be surprised to find that Thai massage stems not from Thailand but from India to Southeast Asia .

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It is learned that the founder of Thai massage is a doctor in North India called Bhacca Jivaka Kumar , a contemporary of the Buddha is implied by the Magadha King Bimbisara . Bhaccha Kumar was known as a friend of the Buddha and the physician community of Buddhist monks . His name is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures in Pali , the ancient language used in Buddhist Theravada school south ( currently the most popular in Sri Lanka , Myanmar , Laos , Cambodia and Thailand .

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Thai Massage influenced by movements in the yoga , Ayurvedic medicine , and acupuncture points according to traditional Chinese medicine .

An imbalance in body , mind and spirit will make your body tired from that disease also born. So , by recognizing the link can not replace the parts in the body , the movements of Thai Massage will help remove blockages in the meridians , promote the circulation of the blood of . Thai Massage can also help reduce pain , decrease muscle tension and increase flexibility of muscles and limbs .

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Today, traditional Thai Massage now available throughout Thailand from large and small hotels , the Resorts Spa to the mall , airport , along both sides of the street and even on the beach ... Thai Massage roller leveling many countries around the world . In Vietnam , you can also easily enjoy this one special interest however there is nothing to enjoy on its own land .

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