Bokor National Park - Cambodia Travel Guide

One of the best day trip around is to Bokor National Park

it needs to be in good condition since the trek up there is rough and steep but the reward is worth it, don't do this with slippers! It seems that all this is still under military control, we even had a soldier with a machine gun with us (2013). There is great nature waiting and a incredible panorama over the coast and ocean from the burned ruins of the casino at the top of the hill.

national park trekking at Bokor
National park trekking at Bokor

trekking at Bokor Mountain and protection
Trekking and protection
Bokor National Park Tour at the Casino
Bokor National Park Tour at the Casino
bokor national park waterfall
Bokor national park waterfall
waterfall pool at bokor
Waterfall pool at Bokor

The national park is in Kampot, 

Kampot Coast
Kampot Coast
there is tree and bamboo jungle, great waterfalls and some scenery out of a horror movie. In the wilds of southern Cambodia it's a real highlight, a nature perspective in a totally different direction as Angkor Wat. 

Bokor should be on any travel plan when visiting the country, its only a few hour with the bus from Phnom Penh over a good road to Kampot. Tours are available every day, just talk with the hotel they arrange everything.

Bokor Hill Station
Bokor Hill Station
A bit to the west is Sihanoukville and from there the bus is waiting to Koh Kong with more great nature that's travel with a different twist, no ruins, no temples, just waterfalls, wilderness, rivers and ideal for dirt biking, trekking and dirt bike tours can be made up to the Bokor Hill Station and around.

A young man is our tour guide for the trek at the Bokor National Park in Kampot, the idea is to trek up the mountain to the hill station.

The whole road from Kampot

Up at the hill station casino
Up at the hill station casino
up and down Bokor mountain is under permanent construction which is a difficult undertaking considering the terrain, before it was only a dirt road. 

The basic road into the park is already finished and also the asphalt cover is done but the trekking group climb down from the back of the truck and off we go into the quiet forest, the truck will move on without us and wait a couple of kilometers further up at the meeting point we will reach in about 2 hours. 

Trekking tourism in Cambodia
Trekking tourism in Cambodia
This is a constant climbing and the trail is over slippery earth, limestone boulders, through the bamboo jungle and plenty of other lush tropical jungle. 

The thickets are very dense from time to time which makes the walk difficult on top of it there are constantly sharp broken bamboo pieces popping out from the earth i guess everyone can imaging what happen when losing balance and fall into this bamboo spears, means good shoes are mandatory and some gloves will avoid cuts.

Cambodia trekking
Cambodia trekking

Beside of this there is "Dirt Bike Adventure", 

considering the bad condition of the roads or often no road
Dirt Bike Adventure
Dirt Bike Adventure
at all, but a small trail dirt bike tours make sense, read more.

Misty view of the coast,

looking down from the plateau to the southern coast is a breathtaking experience. The best viewpoint is behind the blackened walls of the Palace Hotel and Casino. It is possible to book accommodations at the hill station at the Ranger HQ.

Casino playground of French colonialists
Casino playground of 
French colonialists

Once the playground of French colonialists, later occupied by Vietnamese soldiers, the walls of this grand structure are now a mosaic bullet holes and graffiti. 

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