Otres Beach Sihanoukville - Cambodia Travel Guide

Otres Beach is a seafront with an almost endless stretch of fine, almost white sand.

There are several rather primitive wooden cottages and some eateries, it has its charm but is very basic. Actually almost whole Cambodia is very basic but slowly it will morph into a reasonable holiday destination at the South China Sea along a picturesque coastal route.

Also the islands off Sihanoukville, 

some are visible from the waterfront, are a prime location for diving and snorkeling, the water is full with colorful tropical fishes around coral reefs. This is the main reasons tourists’ visit this area in the south. This is not a famous waterfront but a good strip of sand for a beautiful day, the long coastlines makes it a nice place.

After all this problems in the past people welcome travelers since they are more or less the only one who bring some money in beside of fishing. There are no luxury resorts around, the only one at top level is Sokha Beach, but some rather primitive cottages also can serve the purpose. Otres Beach is ideal for a day trip, when taking a scooter it’s just a couple of minutes from most accommodations.

The warm tropical waters of the South China Sea 

offers safe swimming and no problems, except at monsoon times which is a bit different than in Thailand, definitely an almost all year round pleasure and other great hangouts. Enjoy multicolored tropical sunsets with the whole color spectrum and barbecue where the fresh seafood is grilled in front of you, it’s real fresh, they catch it every day in the morning.

It seems as it have been some attempts to do some development since there is a somehow modern ruin about 50 m inland, the building looks somehow like the ruins at Bokor, maybe they abandoned the project who knows, it’s a constant coming and going.

As indicated earlier the real problem in the country is the infrastructure means even at places like here the roads are lousy and hardly anything works but Sihanoukville is the prime beachfront area in Cambodia.
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