Tonle Sap River and Lake - Cambodia Travel Guide

The Tonle Sap River and Lake is located between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh the capital of Cambodia 

In the dry season it is only a shallow lake which supplies water to the Mekong River near Phnom Penh. 

The Tonle Sap at Phnom Penh
The Tonle Sap at Phnom Penh

Living in houseboats
Living in houseboats
During monsoon times the high water level of the Mekong River pushes a reverse flow into the lake. This up flow expands the size of the water body from around 2500 square kilometers in the dry season to over 10,000 square kilometers at rainy season. This transforms it into the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia.

The mangrove forest around the shores are home for water birds, several hundred species of fish plus crocodiles and turtles. Cambodian and Vietnamese communities are living in
Phnom Penh River Cruise
Phnom Penh River Cruise
floating villages. This are autonomous communities with floating houses and markets. 

The people in the villages on the water

make a living from fishing with fish traps. Their catch supply Cambodia with about half of the fish for consumption.

If you're are on a cruise and coming from the Siem Reap direction, the community of Chong Khneas is the starting point. About 12 kilometers south this is the start and arrival point for the ferry service to Phnom Penh plus sightseeing trips.

Living on Tonle Sap
Living on Tonle Sap

From December to March, the lake is visited by millions of migrating birds, a real heaven for bird watcher. To the west are Chong Khneas and Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary, a important breeding ground for large water birds. Ibis, Pelican, Fish Eagle, Stork and other nest in the area. For bird watchers the dry season months are the right time to watch. There are several other villages on the lake with a lot of visual attractions and insight into Cambodian life. 

Kampong Khleang is the largest town on the water.

This old Vietnamese settlement has a thriving pottery industry, a fish and a crocodile farm is another attraction. The area around is covered with paddy fields as usual in the flat areas of South East Asia. A ancient temple at the top of Phnom Krom hill could be a interesting sightseeing destination but rather on small scale.

Fishing on the lake
Fishing on the lake
The water is brackish and saturated with sediments plus unfortunately also with lots of junk, but locals don't care about this. They still jump into the Tonle Sap water and use it for cooking and washing, it is just the same rhythm of time as in almost any South East Asia Country, I guess the only country different is Singapore.

Lake traffic at Sisowath Quay
Lake traffic at Sisowath Quay

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