Koh Kong Beach - Cambodia Travel Guide

A good Koh Kong Beach is at Paklong

Paklong Beach is more or less the nearest to the city, about 10 km off the center, to travel there just get a scooter for a day and have a look.

The tuk tuk and bike taxi driver are not very positive to go there since they afraid of the army which has outposts and maybe there are some mines when walking further into the wilderness.

This mines can be or can be not, nobody know if its real or rumor. I had a look around and did some walking into the greenery behind the sand and nothing happen. The beaches are absolute pristine, no tourists, white sand, almost no littering, the local people visit them rather seldom, they get to black to fast. Sometimes a few beach huts show the existence of some people around, fisherman offering to grill a fish for the foreigner, very friendly and nice.

The sand is full with millions of shells 

which clearly show that almost nobody ever came there. Islands are on the horizon, a warm breeze run through, nice weather it's a perfect picture, just a couple of kilometers off the border to Thailand. There is a casino and it seems as they found substantial deposits of oil not far out in the gulf, there is some quarreling in which waters those deposits are.

Actually doing beach hopping is a great day trip, take some drinks with you, a fish could be bought from the fisherman but they have rarely something which is safe for drink. Be very careful with all hygienic issues since health care is only rudimentary.

Unfortunately the infrastructure is mostly lousy, a place like this would be on the top notch of every EU sun seekers. This is a peninsular with  creeks and rivers opening the countryside only accessible with the boat, a real great tropical environment.

Some tourists who come in from the Thai border on a visa run trip have a very good time since there are waterfalls, beautiful rapids and a overwhelming green tropical jungle scenery. This could be a real hang-out for nature lovers.

Along the creeks are cottages and bungalow cluster in a remote setting far away from everywhere, just the places to switch off the upper region, enjoy and relax. Usual waterborne activities are fishing and snorkeling for scuba diving it needs travel a bit further east to Sihanoukville since there are no scuba operations at Koh Kong.

And no need to worry about cuisine, many hotels offer French and Italian food beside the usual local seafood and these restaurants are real good, one of the best is the Koh Kong City Hotel just at the harbor, they have a excellent kitchen and people come here even from a wider radius. This is some kind of a peaceful paradise for a good time there are even two discos in down town, actually there are several but only one deserve to be called so. 

If you want to have a look for ladies 

tell the tuk tuk guy to drive to the “Chicken Farm” does it need any more explanation?

Weather is usually excellent, except during monsoon when the sky opens the dam, the weather pattern is a bit different to Thailand because here is the South China Sea, in Thailand its more the Indian Ocean which makes the weather.
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