Siem Reap Nightlife - Cambodia Travel Guide

The old market with "Pub Street" is the center of all nightlife in the city

Some hotel nightclubs are around but are rather secondary. When the sun disappears Pup Street awakes and that's the center of the old market. Here are the bars, restaurants, nightclubs, discos, dinner show and everything in between. Pub Street is somehow like Bangkok's Khao San Street but less chaotic, everyone has fun that's the most important,most of the places are owned by "western foreigners" that means less cheating although some still do it. 

Pub Street at Old Market in Siem Reap

The Temple Nightclub
The Temple Club
Nightlife at Pub Street
Nightlife at Pub Street

Temple Club Siem Reap
Temple Club in Siem Reap
Many bars to choose, among other the Angkor What Bar?  Another is the Temple Club probably one of the most "user friendly" in the local nightlife business since it includes a restaurant upstairs with a free dinner show, a nice place with slow motion dancing but also very fast native dances, Cambodians like it both ways, the fast stuff looks more contemporary.

Absolute top notch since where you get anything for free
Cambodian Dance
Cambodian Dance
anymore these days? The dancers are real good; this is not a cheap "wishi-washi". First they run the slow motion show and after the fast run both with pleasant Khmer music in the back coming from a whole native orchestra, no computer playback, all natural.

That's the way it actually should be, check the pictures accessible through the link and don't forget the ads they are amazing informative.

This establishment as a somehow universal place where everything for a great integrated, dance show upstairs, bar disco, pool etc. at street level, prices are also rather moderate, actually in the country pricing is very similar to Thailand it looks as if they take the neighbor as benchmark.

In 1998 the Angkor What bar was the very first on Pub Street,

Pub Street
Pub Street seen from Angkor What Bar

a lively nightspot and beer source with tourists graffiti at the walls. 

The place is well known and market in any tourist guide which naturally brings customers, a nice beer source after an exhaustive day visiting temples and monuments, prices are, as practically everywhere, except the big hotels, very "user friendly".

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