Khmer Art - Cambodia Travel Guide

Khmer Art shows a highly developed creativity over the centuries

Unfortunately there is not much Khmer Art of the old days available in Cambodia. When the French came into Cambodia looting of Khmer Art got a steep swing upwards. There

Khmer Art Angkor
Khmer Art Angkor
was also some looting going on before but on a very small scale, rather small things as souvenirs but with the French colonialists it became a thriving business since plenty of rich people in Europe wanted exceptional and exotic pieces of art and this is what Khmer Art was. 

The best and richest display of Khmer Art in Cambodia is at the National Museum in Phnom Penh. The best pieces of art still available in the country were brought from Angkor to the museum in the capital. 

A beautiful place in a garden setting bring the sculptures and other art objects into the right "light".

Khmer Art National Museum
Khmer Art National 
Museum Phnom Penh
Khmer Art Statues from Angkor
Khmer Art Statues from Angkor 
moved to the National Museum

Stone Sculpture
Stone Sculpture
Cambodia Buddha sculptures
Cambodia Buddha 
Khmer Art Sculpture
Khmer Art Sculpture

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