Festival in Cambodia

In Cambodia now has 25 ethnic groups should live together festivals and rituals are as varied and diverse , with many different ethos . Although some customs and festivals have lost and much has changed but now so many festivals , unique customs and traditions still exist .

festival in cambodia, cambodia travel

The festival is the biggest festival in Cambodia Bom Chnam Chaul ( rice harvest festivals celebrate success ) was held on 13th to April 15th of the calendar . This is the biggest festival in the Cambodian people . In these days people met each other and fell into the water in order to believe in a bumper crop next year . This festival is also held in Laos , Thailand , and Burma - countries with agricultural civilization .

The festival took place on the field May 6 . It took a cow as a symbol for a new crop of rice growers . This festival is held at the palace showing the king's attention to people and crops .

festival in cambodia, cambodia travel

Bam Festival Dak Ben and Ben Pchonum be held on May 11 to October 13 each year . This festival is held in honor of the deceased . In these days people come to the temple sacrifices , and give thanks to the monks . Monks are also public holidays in 15 days , but not to beg people to bring food to the monks .

Bonn Prathen ceremony is usually held in October during 29 days and nights . This is a major Buddhist festival of the year . People organized a big procession to the temple where the monks are waiting yellow costume changes .

Cambodia's National Day is celebrated on November 9th annual celebration of the French victory in 1953

Rowing Festival ( also known as the water festival ) in order to remember the Marines have sacrificed to build mosques Angkor . This ceremony was held on the 15th full moon on the lunar calendar ( usually in 24 to November 26 of the calendar ) and usually held on the Mekong River in the capital Phnom Penh .

festival in cambodia, cambodia travel

Christmas dedicated to fellow Catholics in Cambodia . Despite being a Buddhist country but this ceremony is held in Cambodia also quite aggressive .

Year in Cambodia

The people of Cambodia have a very unique festival is the New Year's Eve , every family Tonle make a beautiful lamp on a beautiful array and bring it drop on the lake . Thousands of sparkling lights floating on the river into a social fun and beautiful flower . It is believed that the house lights just beautiful , just clear the house that night to the new year will see many good things . This is why people in this area are often scrambling to do the beautiful lights , and large fires throughout the night .

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