Travel by Tuk Tuk

Roamed around the paths in a lovely tricycle would be a fun memories for many tourists come to Asia and especially in Thailand , where this three-wheeled taxis called by the name is quite funny ears " tuk - tuk " .
A charming moving vehicles , the constant invitation and bargain fares to customers can be a mystery , new, made ​​of first-time visitors to Asia not from crestfallen . However, if you apply these tips are good you will feel most comfortable spoiler Outing crossing the street between lanes of heavy traffic on this particular car .

What is Tuk Tuk's car ?

At various places in Asia , tuk - tuk is also known by several other names such as rickshaw , pedicab or taxi moto . The cab has stuttered explosive trailer by replacing human labor . Ability to quickly wriggled slightly in traffic jams and can carry up to four passengers , though a hybrid car and motorcycle taxis also have a few rules about capacity and speed . They are often used for short distance routes than in the towns and cities , its top speed of around 30 miles per hour .

Tuk - tuks are powered by a motor scooter two-stroke engines emit sound when running typical tuk -tuk so it was taken as the name for it too. Thailand is also trying to reduce emissions from the tuk - tuk , the team currently in Bangkok tuk - tuk was equipped with four-stroke engines using fossil fuels .

Tuk - tuk is it safe ?

Safety issues when the tuk -tuk is a big question : no or very little car safety fence installed for tourists , not to avoid dust , pollution and hot weather (especially when stuck in a traffic jam famous spots in Bangkok ) . The accident happened relatively little , because the speed of the car is relatively low . Generally speaking , a purely taxi will bring you much more secure , with the even have air conditioning .

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Classification tuk - tuk

Tuk - tuks , everyone has the shape and texture of different engines , different even between regions within the same country . In Thailand , for example , on the island of Ko Si Chang was used tuk - tuk type bigger , stronger use six-cylinder engines to be able to overcome the steep hill on the island .

In Cambodia , tuk - tuk is actually a motorcycle towing a separate passenger cabin . In India , it is simply called a rickshaw , tuk - tuk in India are painted black and gold with a passenger area slightly closer to the driver . In the Philippines , tuk - tuk is actually a van and it can carry up to seven passengers if you have to sit behind the driver's seat machine . In Thailand tuk -tuk vehicles tend to have more leg room , but the height of the car is lower than the version of the neighboring countries .

Many auto drivers also decorated their tuk -tuk to attract more visitors by installing flashing neon lights and large playback speaker .

thailand travel, tips and tricks travel, asia destinations

How to catch a tuk - tuk to go back ?

Tuk - tuk is a vehicle for tourism , so you will rarely see a local drive it , unless they use it for heavy loads . So , although you are a new visitor coming here for the first time , it is not difficult to find a tuk - tuk . The tuk - tuk drivers are well known in the search for passengers in tourist areas - typically when tourists discovered they would honk loudly or shout " hello ! " to attract attention of people . They also tend to gather customers wait outside the popular tourist destination . If you want to catch a to go , then one arm outstretched , palms facing down . Then waggle fingers or your wrist as if you are slapping a child first , immediately there will be a bunch of car bu re scrambling to serve you.

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Be careful with car price offline

Tuk - tuks can not metered so you will need to negotiate the price with the driver before the car into the car , this is sometimes quite difficult but if they can not make the driver will make your he gasped to pay a lot of money car . You will also need to always be careful about scams considered whether you have studied and vigilant as to each country , scammers are very common and exist everywhere will say you ride with a cost cheap but then they will take you to the gem store or tailor shop , where they will cause you a lot of pressure to buy something . The driver will receive a little commission from shopkeepers regarded as thankful for them leads you to " cut " . Generally , if the fare is not too high , too low , but it is also very suspicious . Best to deal with them to carry you straight to where you want to , do not have anything meandering Three Kingdoms !

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