New Champasak Oriental Hotel in Southern Laos

The construction project of Champasak Oriental Hotel in Phonthong district, Champasak province, kicked of in the end of 2006 and now 30% of the construction has been completed. According to the schedule, this hotel set to
be finished 75% by the end of 2007. However, the construction faced a lot of difficulties due to the place for the construction located on the rocky platueu, causing a lot of design to be changed, and added up more the cost of the construction to 12.500.000 $. The rainy season also delayed the construction of this hotel for many months.

Mr. Somsak Keosouriya, representative of Lao Jakao resor, hotel and tourism reported that the budject for the construction came from foreign investment (Thailand) and this hotel will be opened to the public by the middle of 2008.

This hotel comprises of 4 main buildings. Each building is a 3-stored building consists of 112 rooms. Each building has a conventional hall which can accommodate more than 2,000 people.
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