The first 5-star hotel to be built in Luang prabang, Laos

Photo: Calao hotel in Luang prabang

LUANG Prabang authorities have allowed Yunnan Copper Mining, a Chinese state-owned company to construct a major luxury hotel in Nadeua village, some 5 km from the centre of the world heritage town.

Director of Luang Prabang Tourism Administration, Mr Khamphouy Phommavong, said last month that the provincial planning and investment department had signed a MoU with the company, which green lights the US$5million investment to construct the hotel complex along the road to the Kuangxi waterfall, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the province.

Mr Khamphouy, who is also a member of the temporary committee which gave the approval, said that the committee had provided 35 to 40 hectares of land, and construction would commence at the end of the year.

Deputy Director of Luang Prabang Tourism Administration, Mr Khamtan Somphanvilay, confirmed yesterday that the construction of the hotel would begin in August, and the company is preparing materials and resources.

The development would feature Lao traditional architecture to maintain the charm of the world heritage town. Inside there will be a gym, entertainment venues, health centre and sport clubs, he added.

Mr Khamtan said that the hotel would have over 200 rooms, which would welcome more visitors, in particular from neighbouring China. He said that the Chinese people now have more money and the chance to travel than ever before.

He said that the investment of Chinese companies in tourist accommodations in Luang Prabang was initiated in 2006 when Lao President, Choummaly Sayasone, visited neighbouring Yunnan province to encourage Chinese investment in Laos.

“The Yunnan authorities sent representatives to visit Luang Prabang last year and expressed interest in the area,” he said.

He said that Chinese investment in the province reflects the growing relationship between two nations.

President of Guesthouse and Hotel Association in Luang Prabang, Mr Khoun Chanthaboupha, said that it was good news for Luang Prabang and its people as there is a shortage of high-class accommodation available.

He said that guesthouses and hotels were often fully booked during the high season, at the moment Luang Prabang is overcrowded with tourists.

He said that many tourists are forced into sharing rooms if they want somewhere to sleep.

There are 178 guesthouses with 2000 rooms and 30 hotels with 600 rooms. The maximum number of tourists Luang Prabang is able to deal with is around 3000 people, according to Mr Khoun.

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