The world names Laos as the cheapest destination 2007 !

This article may help you spend your US dollar wisely for your travel in 2008.
There are 10 countries in different part of the world that were awarded the cheapest destination 2007 by famous MSN travel magazine and here what they said about Laos:

Laos: Tranquility off the beaten track

Laos is one of the best bargains in Southeast Asia—and that's saying something, since most countries there are relatively cheap for travelers. Because tourism is only beginning to make inroads in Laos, visitors are not seen as mere revenue streams; locals extend a warm and genuine welcome.

Life moves at a languid pace in the former royal capital of Luang Prabang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There, French colonial architecture coexists with dozens of graceful Buddhist temples, and monks in brilliant orange robes stroll the streets. You can find an inexpensive guesthouse for less than $20 a night; open-air cafes along the Mekong River offer absurdly cheap French and Lao specialties.

If you're backpacking, set off into the rugged countryside for caving, jungle trekking and a taste of traditional village life. In Xieng Khouang province, don't miss the "Plain of Jars," a mysterious field lined with hundreds of ancient stone urns.

For the full lists, check out the following link

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