Thailand has long been regarded as a haven of Southeast Asia , Thailand tour visitors come here each other lovingly call it the " land of smiles " . Thailand is not only known for its Buddhist culture , festivals or traditional dance of Thai ethnic group famous in the eyes of tourists that Thailand 's natural beauty , plants , animals and want great not bad .

sriracha tiger zoo, thailand travel, asia travel guide

To know the amazing diversity of the world and animals in Thailand , tourists in Thailand tour not to be missed opportunity to Sriracha Tiger Zoo Park . Pattaya has long become a familiar destination of most tourists in Thailand, located in the city of Chonburi province , where it is considered a paradise resort on the coast of Thailand . But if you've arrived here , the Thailand does not have any visitors not to park in Sri Racha Tiger Zoo Sriracha , a town on the outskirts of Pattaya .

Sriracha Tiger Zoo Park is a fun destination for Thai tourists , come here you will see spectacular performances of tigers , crocodiles , elephants , monkeys .... This is also where most tiger Thailand has a population of 200 children .

sriracha tiger zoo, thailand travel, asia travel guide

Sriracha Tiger Zoo Park is the largest crocodile populations in the world with 10,000 children . Thailand tourists will not be startled to witness unique performances and provoke horror as crocodiles, alligators taunt , put alligator mouth started .... If you are the favorite look it can be dangerous to play some games with crocodiles and take pictures with them too creepy . Coming here , tourists will Thailand actually excited if you leave you get a unique souvenir photo with crocodiles .

The attraction of Sriracha Tiger Zoo Park dedicated to Thailand tourists not just stop at the unique performances of tigers and crocodiles , but also more attractive to tourists is considered attractive performances other like training dolphins dance , circus tigers or pigs do math ...

sriracha tiger zoo, thailand travel, asia travel guide

Everyone attractive , intriguing and even more macabre brings excitement for tourists in the park Thailand Sriracha Tiger Zoo Park . Do not miss the opportunity to see and experience firsthand what this feeling okay !

Experience the new feelings at Sriracha Tiger Zoo

When it comes to travel Cambodia most visitors will just mention the famous sights as AngkorWat , Silver Pagoda , the Royal Palace of Cambodia ... However, there are few who know Cambodia charming coastal city of Sihanoukville with stretches of white sand beaches , the island like sapphire blue water .

Cambodia travel, cambodia beach, asia destinations

Looking back at the history of Sihanoukville , it is not difficult to explain why this place is less tourist attention . The old name of Sihanoukville Kampong Som . Before 1954 , the main maritime trade route of Cambodia 's Mekong River . After 1954, the French withdrawal from Indochina, Kampong Som - with the advantage of a convenient deep waters for boats up to - was chosen as the site for the construction of a new sea port in Cambodia . When finished , Kampong Som Sihanuokville renamed , the name of King Sihanouk . Early 90s of last century , the Khmer Rouge murdered the international tourists come here first , put an end to tourism Budding birth of Sihanoukville . Until recent years , the new international tourists started back to Sihanoukville .

Cambodia travel, cambodia beach, asia destinations

Cambodia travel, cambodia beach, asia destinations

As a peninsula jutting out his Gulf of Thailand , Sihanoukville beach possesses great series . Sokha Beach quiet , smooth white sand , a few scattered bars and water sports service luxury . Occheuteal crowded beaches , bustling with popular seafood restaurant . Victory beach with hills always the bustling entertainment services around the clock . Then Otres beach , Hawaii beach , beach Independence , Serendipity beach ... , every beach has a charm all its own . In Vietnam , most are overlooking the coast east and visitors usually only watch the sunrise over the sea but rarely watch the sunset. You stay Sihanouville , towards the west coast should sit on the sand smooth when sunset , watching the sun slowly setting an unforgettable experience for visitors .

Cambodia travel, cambodia beach, asia destinations

Sihanoukville - Best coastal city in Cambodia