Phnom Penh Nightlife - Cambodia Travel Guide

Phnom Penh Nightclub Ladies are plenty and they make the nightlife vibrant

It's Phnom Penh nightclub time after the bad times of the country disappear slowly into the dark past, modern times take over and fun is turned on again.

Phnom Penh Nightlife Dancing
Phnom Penh Nightlife Dancing
Nightlife means bars, disco dancing, and restaurants are filling up. Everything here is still very "homemade" in terms of styling and design but this wont matter since the people wont come in here because of the styling, they come in to have a good time and look for young entertainment women, there are plenty of them. 

They come from all over the country trying to make some quick cash and they do quite well, it depends as usual at the behavior and how pretty.

The city is the center of Cambodia nigh fun with girls, next is Siem Reap, Koh Kong and Sihanoukville but both are rather rudimentary. Bars and clubs are plenty and ladies gorgeous. There is also not much visibility of gay and lesbian as in Thailand. 

Siem Reap Nightlife Shopping
Koh Kong Nightlife Disco
Koh Kong Nightlife Disco

Restaurant at Sisowath Quai
Restaurant at Sisowath Quay
Nightlife at 136th street
Fun at 136th street
at 136 street
At 136 street
Nightclub with girls in Cambodia
Nightclub with girls in Cambodia

With more exposure to tourism people from various cultures come to the country and bring something new, what about Salsa and Pizza into a restaurants. Another thing is amazing, in all bars at 136th street at least one computer connected to the internet and free to use.

The result is that most of the time the ladies is browsing Facebook, chattering is popular also in Cambodia. But now most computer are connected to "youtube" and they run the music from there.

This definitely is improving the language skills of the ladies which is is important anyway since almost all visitors are foreigners. 

New hotels pop up and restored old ones

with the typical French architecture style elements are plenty, some expensive, some not so, its easy to find a lodge for every taste and budget.

Phnom Penh Bar Girls
Phnom Penh Bar Girls
sexy night club
Sisowath Quay & 136th Street

Riverside Bistro at Sisowath Quay
Riverside Bistro at Sisowath Quay

Riverside Bistro Interior
Riverside Bistro Interior
A highlight is the Riverside bistro it offers good quality food, drinks and a interesting atmosphere with plenty of old artifacts. 

Happy hour beer price is half and that the owner sometimes "flips out" is not so uncommon in this environment since the people have almost qualification, training etc. they do soooo many things wrong, I also would explode. On top of it the guy is gay and they simply don't have their hormones under control that's everywhere the same.

Restaurant and pubs are the preferred places to start a pleasant night since all stuff is relatively low priced everyone can enjoy. People go to have dinner at the open air terraces to enjoy the cool night breeze which comes in from the Tonle Sap, do some shopping, have some beers and watch out for pretty women.

Cambodian Bargirls at 136th Street Sisowath Quay
136th Street Sisowath Quay
Cambodian bargirls for entertainment and more

Pictured below are the small streets from the riverfront which is Sisowath Quay towards Central Market. Among the better bars are Sizzlers, Candy Bar, Dream Bar, Flora Bar, Cantina Bar, Freebird Bar, Heart of Darkness Club.

The main business with bar girls is on in Phnom Penh , there is nothing in this direction at Siem Reap and only little at Sihanoukville.

Along Sisowath Quay at 136 Street
Along Sisowath Quay at 136 Street

Phnom Penh Bar Girls at 136 street
Phnom Penh Bar Girls 
at 136 street

Its deep red here and that is not a political coloring, anyway, girls are pretty, responsive and create a marvelous atmosphere. 

This picture is made towards the river and on the right side are several hotels where you could take you new companion after everyone is happy.

Phnom Penh Bar Street
Phnom Penh Bar Street

Phnom Penh Nightclub
Phnom Penh Nightclub

At Central Market
At Central Market

Along Sisowath Quay is the best area to stay 

because of the hotels, restaurants, bars and nightclubs, everything is just around the corner. In the small roads leading from the river to town center and Central Market.

At the boulevards high end SUV's are roaring along showing some guys got money and they are willing to spend it, in particular 136 street is interesting.

There is another great thing, prices are quite affordable, its somehow like in Thailand, actually almost everything is imported from there. Compared with places such as Phuket, Pattaya, or Bangkok the scene is still rather small but it growing continuously.

Cambodian bar-girls for entertainment

Phnom Penh Nightclubs
Phnom Penh Nightclubs
Bar at 136 Street
Bar at 136 Street
Most of them work off the riverfront, among the better bars are Sizzlers, Candy Bar, Dream, Flora, Cantina, Freebird, Heart of Darkness Club and more. The main business of this type is on in Phnom Penh , there is almost nothing elsewhere. Places are running on full load every evening and there is a optimistic atmosphere having a great time. The city is slowly building up some reputation for an exotic fun mood with pretty young ladies, there are no strip clubs in Cambodia, don’t believe when people tell this.

Cambodian Nightlife
Cambodian Nightlife

In the night the mood is high and beer is flowing, 

they have some good local stuff such as "Angkor Beer" which is better than any Thai beer because not producing headache the next day as practically all Thai made do because of chemicals used instead a natural material. The only exception in Thailand is Heineken because it seems that they have some quality control.

For the younger Khmer generation

most of the horror of the past has clipped into a distant black. For the ladies and younger guys the destination is make money as quick as possible to get out of the mess the communists with the help of China kicked the country into.

Apsara Dancing
Apsara Dancing
Khmer apsara dancing
Khmer apsara dancing 
Apsara dance show
Apsara dance show

Apsara Dance Group
Apsara Dance Group
Khmer dance nightclub show
Khmer dance nightclub show

Khmer Apsara Dancing

When you are in town enjoy a Apsara or Khmer dance show 

This slow motion dancing show the people from a different perspective, it should be on the agenda of every first visit to the country, it virtually tells and is a pleasure to watch when the pretty dancer do their rhythmic very slow movement. 

Costumes are great and it switches from group and single Khmer dancer back and forward. Also at the beach town of Sihanoukville they perform it and at Siem Reap you can see it at the Temple Club in Pub Street.

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