Cambodia National Museum in Phnom Penh - Cambodia Travel Guide

The Cambodia National Museum 

Close to the Royal Palace is the Cambodia National Museum, it was inaugurated during Khmer New Year on 13 April 1920 in the presence of H.M King Sisowath and François-Marius Baudoin the French resident in 1920. 

Cambodian National Museum
National Museum
Cambodian National 
Museum (1)
Stone Sculptures from Angkor
Stone Sculptures 
from Angkor

There are plenty of objects, they say around 14,197 where 1,877 pieces are on display and further 12,320 items in store. Some of the best statues and other remains from Angkor are here. 

Cambodia National Museum Statues
Cambodia National 
Museum Statues
Cambodia National Museum Statues
Cambodia National 
Museum sitting sculptures
The museum by itself is already a pleasant surprise. 

It is Built in an old style with plenty of garden around it’s a perfect day trip within the city. Objects on display are pretty Buddha statues in stone and bronze plus the legendary statue of the 'Leper King. 

It might be a good idea to pay a visit before moving on to Angkor. Because it gives some cultural orientation on Khmer art.

A souvenir shop with books and local arts and crafts

complements the whole, actually the whole quarter around the museum and the palace is full with art shops, paintings, Buddha Sculptures and some even make relief.

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