Sisowath Quay - Cambodia Travel Guide

Sisowath Quay Phnom Penh is the center of nightlife in town 

Sisowath riverfront is the former Karl Marx Quay along the Tonle Sap a strange water body which flows sometimes up and also down wards.

Sisowath Quay
Sisowath Quay
This is the promenade along the water, there is plenty to see and even more fresh air to breath. 

Lined by dozens of restaurants and people just hanging around. In the evening when the sun disappears a spectacle start, a couple of dozen people start dancing in the middle section just in front of the restaurants etc.

The quay is a tropical promenade
The quay is a tropical promenade
One guy is the front dancer and the other just follow him, reminds me a bit to Jane Fonda aerobic, the fitness moving keeps on going into the late evening, everyone is welcome. 

Why do I see "sooooo" many fat "sugar dumplings" and "fatty bum-bum" jumping around? Some have a bit of a problem to move the overgrown butts and bellies.

Kind of aerobic dancing for fitness
Kind of aerobic dancing for fitness

Fitness at the quay
Fitness at the quay
Further up is the Royal Palace, the National Museum and the university of art plus many creative shops. 

The crowd is out on the large flat concrete space between the road and the river. Behind the
Sisowath Quay 136 th Street
Sisowath Quay 136th Street
road are buildings with dozens of restaurants, hotels and bars in the side streets, the hottest is 136th street with plenty of bars and bar girls.

Since it’s cool in the evening people have a walk around, some lovers sit at the benches at the river banks and promise endless love, wonder how that last.  

Other wander along the Tonle Sap waterfront and some guys try to pull foreigners into a discussion with the idea to ask for money. Some river vessels carry freight and passengers up and downstream and a double decker sightseeing boat move mid-river.

Tonle Sap river in the afternoon
Tonle Sap river in the afternoon

This is somehow a charming stretch along the water, 

Sisowath Quay Restaurant
Sisowath Quay Restaurant
a few houses still show some elegant colonial architecture but the most interesting are probably the bars and restaurants. A bit further south of the nightlife “mile” is the National Museum and the King’s Palace, almost a must to visit on a Cambodian trip. Close by is the University of Art and there are plenty of art shops selling paintings, Buddha statues and Khmer native art.

The jetty with the river boats for Siem Reap is at the northern
Sisowath Quay Restaurant (2)
Sisowath Quay Restaurant (2)
side, it might sound like a good idea to use the boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap but effectively it’s not, on the wide Tonle Sap not much is seen, it’s more exiting to use the bus there various insights into the scenery is possible. On top of it the bus is much cheaper than the boat.

A couple of streets behind Sisowath Quay is the Central Market the bustling biggest market in the city, in the last couple of years a Tsunami of Chinese stuff settled on this market. This is a wet and dry market including gorgeous flowers, textiles, clothing, shoes, various jewelry items and more, also most buses to elsewhere in the country leave from nearby. It’s definitely worth a half day trip, the problem are only the streets around, they are in a real mess which is somehow amazing considering that this is the center of the capital of Cambodia.

Riverside Bistro
Riverside Bistro

Cambodian Children Working at the Quay
Cambodian Children 
working at the Quay

At the riverside is one restaurant after another with a wide spectrum of good food, a good start is the Riverside Bistro with western food and local food. They have pretty girls working there and a great ambiance and decoration plus a pool table a bit into the back and two huge screens showing football and concerts, there is also a open air area just in front.

Several other bars, clubs, lounges, restaurants

etc. are along the quay road. Walking down a bit to 136 street plus the small streets before and behind opens the real Phnom Penh nightlife with dozens of beer bars with pretty Cambodian girls waiting for something will happen, guess what they expect will happen. If you find a pretty lady pay some drinks and if a agreement is reached take her with you, there is usually now problems in the hotels, they just charge $ 10,- more per night. There is always something going on, maybe live music or a DJ make the sound, in almost every bar is a PC which can be used, usually the ladies play around mostly facebook. Noisy places because of plenty of girls, there are other bars and restaurants in between and some supermarkets a late shopping.

Further behind is the Central Market,

the actual center of the city but not open in the evening. Sisowath Quay is rather large boulevards with a wide walking area from street towards the water; in the early evening locals do some aerobics to get the body moving. This is the best place in town to enjoy an evening or night. Another positive subject is everything is relatively cheap, prices are somehow similar as at a bar or club at the Phuket nightlife scene or other places in Thailand or Myanmar nightlife. It’s compact and safe, also for foreign ladies since there are always people around and Cambodian people are usually nice people.

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