Sisowath Quay at 136th Street - Cambodia Travel Guide

Sisowath Quay at 136th Street is the center of nightlife in Phnom Penh

In other words here is the "red light district" of Phno, Penh. Like some pretty Khmer girls for a close encounter? Sisowath Quay at 136th Street that's the place to go. 

There are at least two dozen of bars and clubs along the small road, with some hotels and apartments in between. A few restaurants are around plus a well stocked convenient store but the focus is on Cambodian nightlife girls and here are plenty.

Phnom Penh Red Light
Phnom Penh Red Light

Sexy Phnom Penh Bar Girls
Sexy Phnom Penh Bar Girls

Bars at Sisowath Quay
Bars at Sisowath Quay
Cavalry Bar
Cavalry Bar

Bars and Clubs at Sisowath Quay
Bars and Clubs 
at Sisowath Quay

The Lemon Lounge
The Lemon Lounge
Sizzlers Bar and Restaurant
Sizzlers Bar and 

Sisowath Quay Restaurant
Sisowath Quay Restaurant

Sizzlers Night Club with pretty Khmer Girls

This is the main street for sexy bar business

If one wants a good time with some pretty young ladies in the night that's the place to go. Among many other are the "Candy Bar", "Cavalry Club" (wonder who is riding), Sizzlers and more.  A bit further inside the city is the Central Market.

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