Japanese to promote Lao tourism

Japanese ambassador discusses assistance for Lao tourism

President of the Lao National Tourism Administration Somphong Mongkhonvilay met the Ambassador of Japan to Laos , Mr Masaaki Miyashita, last week in Vientiane to discuss assistance for the Lao tourism sector, according to a press release from the administration.

Mr Miyashita told Mr Somphong that many Japanese businesspeople were interested in investment in Lao tourism, it stated.

He said he was encouraging them to invest in Laos to serve Japanese visitors to Laos in the future. He observed that cooperation between Laos and Japan had enhanced. Japanese investment in Laos has rapidly increased and the country is now is the fifth largest foreign investor in Laos , according to the press release.

Mr Somphong, who is also Minister to the Prime Minister's Office, informed Mr Miyashita about tourism development and the promotion of ecotourism and historical and cultural attractions. Community-based ecotourism was attracting considerable interest among tourists to Laos .

Japanese visitors to Laos increased by 30 percent last year due to the visa exemption for Japanese citizens that was introduced early last year, according to administration statistics.

The government of Japan has assisted Laos in tourism promotion projects in the area of Road No 9 in Savannakhet province through the Japan International Cooperation Agency. This was the first grant aid project from Japan to Laos , according to the press release.

SOurce: vientianetimes
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