Ten hotels from Laos won ASEAN Green Hotel Award

The Ten hotels from Laos are among 81 hotels from Asean countries honoured with the Asean Green Hotel Award. There are

1. Donchan Palace Hotel
2. Lao Plaza Hotel
3. Novotel Hotel
4. Settha Palace Hotel
5. Taipan Hotel
6. Green Park Boutique Hotel
7. Phouvao Hotel
8. Souvannaphoum Hotel
9. The Grand Hotel
10.Champasak Palace Hotel.

Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam have 10 hotels each in the category, the Philippines and Malaysia each in five and Brunei one.

The Asean Green Hotel Award to the 81 selected hotels were presented at the Asean Tourism Ministers’ meeting on January 22 in Bangkok by Asean secretary-general Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, which was also attended by Laos's Tourism Minister Somphong Mongkhonvilay.

The ward for hotels is only fi rst step, Asean look now to award restaurants and souvenir shops, Green Award Recognition is also of great virtue for travelers.

Source: Mlao
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