Immigration and Customs - Cambodia Travel Tips


All nationalities need to apply for a travel visa, except from the following countries: Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam.

A visa on arrival, valid for a thirty-day stay, is specifically granted at Phnom Penh International Airport, Siem Reap International Airport, and International Border Checkpoints. Visas are also granted at Royal Cambodian Embassy or Consulate abroad. The visa fee for a tourist is US$20, and the visa fee for a businessman is US$25. Visas can be extended at Immigration Department in Phnom Penh City. A free visa (K) is expressly granted to the Cambodian living overseas.

The Royal Government of Cambodia has recently approved E-visas. All you have to do is complete the online application form available at the official website (, pay by credit card online, and include uploading a recent passport-size photo in JPEG/ PNG format. The visa will be approved within three business days, allowing you to breeze by that lengthy line and get a jump-start on your holiday.

The E-visa, valid for a thirty-day stay, is available only for a typical tourist visa for a single entry. It is currently not available for nationalities from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Arab Saudi, Algeria, Sudan, and Sri Lanka. For a business visa, please apply at your nearest embassy or on arrival in all major check points.

Tourists getting such a visa online can enter Cambodia through Phnom Penh International Airport, Siem Reap International Airport, Bavet (Svay Rieng), Cham Yeam (Koh Kong), and Poipet (Banteay Meanchey), and they can exit through these five main points.


Customs may authorize the removal of the goods from the customs clearance area prior to the payment of duties and taxes and fees, under customs control and after the fulfillment of customs formalities, for the purposes of:

* temporary storage;
* bonded storage;
* further transportation within or through the Customs Territory to a destination and along routing and within time limits approved by Customs, including transit, transshipment or transportation to or from or between customs offices, and customs temporary storage facilities and customs bonded warehouses.

The goods may be released by Customs after fulfillment of customs formalities, including the payment of any duties or taxes and/or provision of security, for such goods to be:

* imported for home use;
* temporarily admitted; and
* used under duty-suspended conditions.

The following goods can be taken into Cambodia without incurring customs duty, but goods do not exceed twenty kilograms:

* 200 cigarettes or an equivalent quantity of cigars or tobacco
* A bottle of spirit
* A reasonable amount of perfume

Prohibited items include all kinds of narcotics (hemp, opium, cocaine, morphine, and heroin), obscene literature, pornography, antiquities, ammunition, and weaponry. The export of local flora and fauna from Cambodia is not permitted.
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